Monday, March 23, 2009

Lifetime Swing Set

My husband and I debated for weeks about what type of swing set to buy. We decided to get opinions from everyone we knew. NO WOOD was definitely a shared opinion for everyone. Most people kept telling us to get a Lifetime set. We really liked them and all of the benefits that came with them (high weight capacity, 15 year warranty, durability, etc.), but they were all so expensive. Then we found out that they clearance out their last years models. We purchased the Big Stuff Deluxe' 3-Swing Vinyl Roof Metal Playset. I am glad we decided to just invest in this one right out. We were going to buy a cheap one for this summer and save for a Lifetime one, but at less than half the normal price we decided to just buy it. We did get a better deal because we were able to go to the manufacturer, but no matter which path you take, clearance is definitely a better choice.


  1. I am so glad that you got this swing set. Not having wood is a great idea too. I wouldn't have never thought about that.

  2. Where did you find the ones on clearance?
